Give yourself the gift of peace of mind with Life Insurance One of the biggest stressors of the holiday season can be money or more specifically, not having enough to purchase the presents we think we should. In the U.S., we live in a country that is obsessed with stuff — both giving and receiving it. While there is nothing
How Much Money Will I Need in Retirement? Planning and saving for retirement can seem daunting, but as with any long-term project, it may help to have a plan. Surprisingly, less than half of current workers have tried to estimate how much savings they will need to live comfortably in retirement.1 And even more alarming is the fact that one-third
3 Retirement Pitfalls to Avoid As you near retirement, you’re probably looking forward to the laid-back lifestyle it can offer. But there can also be some snags that could cause you to run into financial trouble later in life. Here are three retirement pitfalls you should try to avoid. 1. Underestimating your spending in retirement Many older Americans bank on
Do I Really Need Life Insurance? Do I Really Need Life Insurance? Let’s face it. Most people put off buying life insurance for any number of reasons. Take a look at this list—do any of them sound like you? It’s too expensive. In the ever-burgeoning budget of having a family, things like day care and car payments and possibly even
Countdown to Retirement – 4 Tips to Get You Ready Getting ready for retirement can be pretty exciting. With such a huge lifestyle change, you should consider to start laying the groundwork now. Here are some tips to help you through that transition. Create a realistic budget Your early 60s is a great time to start crunching some hard
How much life insurance do I need? The most important part of buying life insurance is determining how much you need. Since everyone’s financial circumstances and goals are different, there is no rule of thumb to tell you how much to buy. But do you really need $250,000, $500,000, $1 million or more? Sounds like a lot of money, but
4 Ways to Start Saving for Retirement Today Saving money is an important part of leading a successful and financially independent lifestyle. While saving can help fund big-ticket items such as cars, homes, or vacations, it also serves as part of a balanced preparation for a stress-free retirement. It’s often difficult to begin saving money – especially when you’ve grown
Is it time to rethink your retirement? Every day thousands of Baby Boomers enter their retirement years. They are, unfortunately, members of a generation who are largely unsure of their financial future. For the past seven years, Insured Retirement Institute (IRI) research has discovered that Baby Boomers’ confidence in their financial preparations for retirement is steadily dropping. Key findings
Guaranteed Income in Your Retirement One of the biggest concerns of preretirees and retirees is income. This makes a lot of sense when you consider that all your savings essentially breaks down to an annual income you need to have to live comfortably during your retirement years. One of the options many seniors explore when trying to secure their retirement